It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:
- Demonslayer
- The Grid
- Dangerous Space: Will Tensin, Retrieve Mission
In this story, you are a hero in a fantasy world overrun by monsters and rife with danger. Create your character by allocating attribute points. Your mission is to destroy at least one of the Six Demon Lords who brought strife to your land. They are hiding, and you need to collect Clues to discover their lairs, and find spells and items to aid you in your quest.
Explore a solo adventure as you move through a map, reading the corresponding numbered entry that matches its hex if there is one. Those numbered events happen only once, and in the future might have you roll instead to check for events or encounters. Can you find and defeat a Demon Lord? This may sound like a simple task, but it will take all of your adventurer’s grit and perhaps a bit of luck in order to discover and defeat that foe. You can also choose to run it multiple times in a campaign format, trying to find all six of them
The Grid
In the year 2056 the Grid is a virtual network of corporate data and secrets. The only item of value these days is information - and you’re just the wirehead to steal it. Get in to the main frame, locate the goods, and get back out before the security programs track you. Otherwise you’ll risk having your neurons zapped or corporate security bursting down your door!
A simple, yet decision-rich roll-and-write game from a modern master of the roll-and-write games. This one has you accomplishing two goals while working a job, all before you take too much damage or get tracked back to your home. To do this you move through the grid, collecting things to upgrade your hacker while working toward those goals. There are a ton of skullbots around to mess with you, and if you ignore them too long you will find your health quickly depleting. Balance is a key to victory here, and it’ll be certain to have you itching to play it again and again.
Dangerous Space: Will Tensin, Retrieve Mission
Will, the more brash of the Tensin brothers, is happy to dive blind for the sheer surprise and chaos that ensues. Deathwish?
Another week with will, and this time we’ll look closer at his gear. In terms of upgrades. His paths are relatively straightforward. His Custom Flak on his defend gear is likely to want to take the bottom path of upgrades, just because it’ll mesh with Hardened which lets you reroll a defense reroll. His Sentient Shot has only one path to follow, and it is a great path because it both boosts his range but also his consistency with some rerolls. His movement via Sidewinder Boots is a little tougher to gauge, as the top tier is shorter and lets him move 3…but only orthagonally. Is it worth the lower movement to have diagonal movement unlocked? I’ll leave that for you to decide.

Game of the Week: Alone Against Fear on sale for just $7!
There are monsters out there, and you walk alone. Alone against the walking dead. Alone Against the demons, alone against vampires and werewolves. Alone Against shapeless monstrosities and devil worshipers and witches and maniacs and evil clowns. ALONE AGAINST FEAR. This is a stand-alone horror solo game using a variation of the popular Four Against Darkness engine. All the rules are in this 104 page book. You create a character and explore a town invaded by monsters. Read forbidden books, learn dark rituals, learn new skills, fight zombies and vampires, and manage your resources (Life, Sanity, Food, Ammo) in a desperate struggle against time to close the Seven Gates of Hell on Earth. Included: 6 scenarios, hundreds of monsters, 22 weapons, 2 pregenerated characters, character sheet, map sheet. NO MINIATURES NEEDED - THIS IS A PEN-AND-PAPER GAME. You need 2d6, pencil, and paper.
Always looked longingly at Four Against Darkness and wished it was, well, not fantasy adventure? Invading aliens on the planet in your hometown leave you unsatisfied as an alternative? Well, you could be in luck because this is the 4AD engine but in a horror solitaire game. While there probably aren’t any Ancient Old Ones to encounter along the way, I’m sure the Lovecraftians among you will come up with some of them to add into the mix - just make sure to keep your sanity in check or you might become the creature in that mirror. There’s plenty of source material out there, so it is pretty much a lock that if this goes over well, we’ll see more content to expand this game!
Check out Game of the Week here:

FantasyForm: Ripped Apart Expansion
The elements, normally free from control, react violently as your rival tries to bend them to their will. The ground shakes, the landscape is torn apart, and the smell of sulfur is carried on the wind.
A delightfully easy-to-integrate expansion, this merely shuffles in 6 new Upgrade cards to expand the variety in which your game flows. The neat change here is that your rival’s Elemental Form ability might activate outside of the Rival Phase, meaning you must remain prepared for that possibility. Enjoy the benefits of things like Lightning Form, the Cloak of Incorporeality, and the Obsidian Blade. You’ll want to make good use of them all in order to overcome the obstacles stacking against you.
Pizza Pizza Yum Yum: Spicy Jalapeños Expansion
Your pizza shop is getting some buzz. Time to kick it up a notch with a spicy new menu!
Another perfect expansion to a delightful game, this one simply shuffling cards into the deck and adding new possible scoring conditions. The game plays like normal, although you’ll end up using the entire deck of 24 cards in dealing out pizza cards to each player. Can you accomplish goals such as scoring for meatless slices of pizza or a meat + veg combo on the pizza to rack up your points?
Super Slopes: Black Diamond Expansion
This part of the mountain is for expert skiers only! Scout out the run before beginning your descent.
At the risk of becoming a broken record, I’ll again pronounce this to be a great expansion whether you’re already fan of the game, or if you’re completely new to Super Slopes. Because it shuffles into the main deck, and adds just a new ability (and game-ending map sizes), there is very little reason to not just mix it on in with the base game whenever possible. The new ability is excellent, letting you hold a card in reserve until a time when you want to add it onto your map. Flexibility is key in a game like this, opening the opportunity for greater planning rather than being stuck making the best of what gets dealt.
Check out the new Button Shy releases here:
See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!