It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:
- Ring Knight
- Ghost Gate Chronicles Part 1: The Divide
- Ghost Gate Chronicles Part 1.5: Skulk’s Brew
- Dangerous Space: Will Tensin, Eliminate Mission
Ring Knight
You are a Ring Knight, a disgraced warrior, cursed to wear the trappings of a criminal - a length of chain rings that must be removed through honorable deeds and glorious combat. Craft wondrous weapons and magical items to empower your hero to victory. Perhaps if you rid the land of the great evil threatening the kingdom you can regain the title, Knight of the Realm!
A fun game of crafting items, foraging and fighting foes to gain what you need to craft new and stronger weapons/potions, and looping through the countryside until you battle the big baddie at the end. Each encounter and crafting of an item will make you a little more flexible for the upcoming trials, letting you add special abilities to rings, potions, and more. Everything but the magic rings have limits to their uses, forcing you to craft more and more in order to not run around unprepared.
Ghost Gate Chronicles Part 1: The Divide
From beyond, you guide souls, dreams, and magic through the Gates between worlds. But something’s wrong…why are the gates closing? You must guide as many as possible to their fates before the gates close!
Grab the dice and get ready to complete to move through the Ghost Gates. One of the interesting things here is that two white and a black die are rolled each round, but only the rolling player can use the black die with a single white die (or both white), everyone else must use both white die results. Move figures around the board based on their current column, and the board will quickly fill in with hard-to-traverse spaces. Once a player finishes a Ghost Gate, it becomes closed to everyone else, making this a true race.
Ghost Gate Chronicles Part 1.5: Skulk’s Brew
The Skulk are powerful Fox Witches that manipulated the energies of the dead and the dreaming. They guide them through the Gates between worlds to create their nefarious brews. But something’s wrong…why are the gates closing? You must brew as many concoctions as you can before the gates close!
This little expansion adds in some new elements to consider, including the Brew Cards. Those are placed at the top of a column, and if you get the five matching symbols into that Cauldron area, you gain some special effects for the game. Not only that, but there’s a river that can be crossed at the expense of coins earned throughout the game, providing more options and strategies without really changing much of the gameplay you’ll already come to know and love.
Dangerous Space: Will Tensin, Eliminate Mission
Will, the more brash of the Tensin brothers, is happy to dive blind for the sheer surprise and chaos that ensues. Deathwish?
A new character brings a new host of threats to tackle. You’ll feel right at home facing the Adapting Sentry, which wants you to attach it because then you cannot complete a checkpoint that turn. The Sharp Hunter will punish you with damage for holding unused boosters, encouraging you to avoid stocking up on more than you need. And the Agitated Jackal boss crosses out time when you do not attack it during a turn, as well as flipping Evil Dice when you use low numbers in its dangerous spaces. Thankfully, Will has a few tricks of his own that he can pull out - which we’ll discuss in the coming weeks!

Game of the Week: Mindburners on sale for just $5!
Mindburners is a cyber-occult dungeon runner game for 1-4 players. As void runners, players must push their luck and enter the void to gather resources, thwart their opponents, battle horrific foes, and seal the breach, closing the void forever.
Forget running in the Net, you want to run in the Void. In this competitive game there’s a deck of cards that all players will need to overcome, and there are things you can do to help your player prepare for it. Survive better than the others and you’ll score more points, allowing you to achieve victory first. Yet every choice has some degree of risk tied to it, and the more you risk the harder you might fall. A fun, fast press-your-luck game of head-to-head competition that also comes with a really interesting solo mode to play.
Check out Game of the Week here:

Fishing Lessons: Weather Expansion
The difference between sun and storms is all the difference when fishing. Better check the forecast before you get on the water!
A small expansion that adds a new deck of the 5 cards, and each one does something different - when you replace a Lesson Card in step 1 of a turn, you draw and resolve a Weather Card. With these you’ll get to do things like moving cards in the lesson row, drawing more lessons at the end of the round, and more.If you like to spice up a game you already know and love, this is a great little expansion - and is also a great pick-up if you are new to this solo game as well.
Fishing Lessons: Leland’s Tackle Box Expansion
Plenty of people tried to gift Leland a new tackle box, but he always swore by this one. Perhaps it’ll hold something useful for you, too.
Four cards for this expansion, and like the Weather one you’ll be making a new “deck” with these. Well, two of them per game. The neat thing here is you can place a face-up Tackle card on a Lesson Card in your lesson row, and when activating lessons you do the Tackle Card effect instead of the card it covered before discarding the Tackle card. A great way to avoid effects that might mess up your hard work as you try to get closer to victory.
Check out the new Button Shy releases here:
See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!