


New Games for October 4th, 2024 - Commandeer the Thoughtful Wraithound during the Championland Realm's Nightclass

george tagmire

Introducing the 2025 Year-long Game from the creators of Dungeon Pages and Dangerous Space....Power Creep!

When the lights went out it didn’t take long for civilization to start crumbling. After years of scavenging your fledgling society has found a way to restore power to the settlement. But the evil forces thrive in the darkness and they desire to keep it that way. You’ll need to outrun the Creep before it overtakes your settlement, dooming you and your fellow survivors and maybe all of humanity!

Power Creep offers a new spin on the single-page, six-dice game thrusting you into the role of a survivor who must restore the settlement before an evil force overtakes humanity. 

Power Creep Features: 

  • All new structure blueprint and crafting mechanics
  • Streamlined gameplay pulls the best puzzle-like play from Dungeon Pages, combined with the tactical choices of Dangerous Space
  • Same big Kickstarter savings (year long adventure for just $10)

Stay up to date with the launch details by following here:

It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.


Here’s what is new this week:
  • Tin Realm
  • NightClass Episode 4: History Lesson
  • Dangerous Space: Jareem Commandeer Mission
  • Dungeon Pages Overland: Dongrim, Thoughtful Ranger


Tin Realm

You have managed to collect all 3 Shards of Brahm and break the curse cast upon the clerics of the Red Cloth. Now you must travel to the city of Oakinshelm to relay the news to the Baron and to get some well earned rest. This journey will not lack agony. You must make your way through harsh landscapes and reach Oakinshelm within 7 days, or die trying.

Those who are fans of the Iron Helm/Tin Helm line of games will feel right at home jumping into this one. New to this designer’s games? There’s no better place to start! The premise is simple in choosing to resolve the top card, or to skip it and resolve the next one that comes. This is a trademark decision point in many of their games, and this one is no different. Can you survive long enough to reach Oakinshelm before you die or run out of time? Give this little game a whirl - at the very least, you’ll find some outstanding artwork to keep you engaged (although I’m sure the gameplay will, as well!)


NightClass Episode 4: History Lesson

Year two was going great. You just aced chemistry and that junior crush of yours finally noticed you. So of course the universe has to throw you a cult leader with an itch for apocalypse!

If you’ve played any of the first three episodes in this superhero Roll-and-Write game, you know that this is a really fun and interesting game. If you haven’t tried it, now is the perfect time to put on your mask, tie on your cape, and hunt down bad guys.. Rest assured, Episode 4 will be enjoyable as it hits your table, letting you take down baddies as the superhero of your imagining (assuming the powers you unlock coordinate with what you always imagined your powers would be). I particularly love the Radiation branch of skills and abilities, offering some new innovations on the system.


Dangerous Space: Jareem Commandeer Mission

His father was 1st in his class. Some would say due to the species’ longer lifespan. Still, expectations are high for young Rendor.

Can we just take a moment to admire the clever placement of the levers in this map? For the commandeer mission you have to mark two sides of the lever with the same number and, well, all of them have at least one side that you won’t want to move onto in order to mark - but you’ll have no real choice. As with the previous weeks, Jareem will possibly be able to minimize threats from a distance, and to bump some of his unused dice through his Risk Taker skill - something that you can almost count on triggering around each lever.


Dungeon Pages Overland: Dongrim, Thoughtful Ranger

Dongrim looks for a reason to redeem even the most wretched of the invading evil, but should they choose to test his willingness to fight, they will find a deadly foe.

Any hero that has an Antler Swipe as a weapon is just fine in my books. He’ll be facing down some deadly foes this month, with a hard-to-hit Stone Gargoyle and the Horror Vampire as a boss - a perfectly thematic set of enemies for the month of October. You’ll want to mark off as many spaces as you can for those Gargoyles, but the Vampire will punish you every time you mark a space in its row or column. Luckily, working down the Gargoyle weakness will pair really well with Dongrim’s Moon Medallion relic, which might be all the difference you need in taking down some of the foes.



Game of the Week: Wraithound on sale for just $11!

Certain individuals are marked from birth by supernatural forces. These marked ones often manifest early signs of their unique heritage, such as unexplained poltergeist activities or eerie phenomena that surround their presence. In a world fearful and ignorant of the arcane, these manifestations attract the attention of the ancient and secretive Order of the Wraithounds.

A new role-playing experience is here to hit the table for 1-3 adventurers. In this you are exploring through three levels of floors, vanquishing threats, and ultimately defeating the boss at the end. All of this comes with tables, oracles, and the use of playing cards to help define what you encounter, your success or failure along the way, and to also set up the power levels for yourself and the boss once you reach the end. If you enjoy an interesting theme and an easy-to-use RPG system to play through, then you won’t want to miss checking this one out.

Check out Game of the Week here:



Championland: Volleyball

Every year the grand arenas of Championland overflow with hopeful athletes and excited crowds. Block, set, and spike against your opponents to become a true Champion!

Pit your skills against a friend in a rigorous game of volleyball. Because you are restricted in a few ways, such as only playing the card on the left or the right end of your hand, as well as can only play a card one higher or lower than the previous card in one of the three areas, there are going to be plenty of tough decisions. What’s more, there are three special cards which trigger abilities which either force, or restrict, where your opponent can place their next card - if they can ever not play a card, they lose the match. In a small batch of cards and simple rules, you’ll find plenty of meaningful interactions in this game.


Championland: Wrestling

Wrestling is one of the purest competitions in Championland. This head-to-head test of each athlete’s physical and mental acumen draws huge crowds who analyze every move to see who’ll come out on top. The best wrestlers spend their time doing the same, knowing that even the slightest advantage might keep them on their feet.

Much like the Volleyball game above, this one is going to be a battle between you and an opponent, and you’re limited still to the left or right-most card in your hand. However, this time they try to guess if the card you play is higher, lower, or equal to the most recent card on the pile. If they guess wrong, you put the card on top of the control pile. If you already had a card at the top of that pile, you win the round! With fast and easy gameplay, this one is going to be quite the battle of wits.


Check out the new Button Shy releases here:

See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!

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