
New Games for February 28th, 2025 - Slope Historian Reports an Everspark War Diffused by Forest Creep

george tagmire

Our next PNP Arcade Publishing game is coming to Kickstarter very soon. This is not in the Dungeon Pages system that you are all familiar with, but instead something all new. Introducing Battle Pages, a solo tactical print and play game where you protect your kingdom from a wave of enemies. Match dice to mine gems, and spend gems to build units. The longer your sequence of dice, the stronger your units. Hold back 6 waves of enemies and take down the boss to win the game.

There will be new sheets each month, featuring new maps, enemies, bosses, heroes, units and structures. And in our tradition they can be cut to combine into all new battles. 

Check it out on Kickstarter. The link is below to follow along. Launching on March 18th!


It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:


  • Everspark

  • Space War: In Space!!

  • GRIMLORE Case File #8: Amelia Hartwell, Historian

  • Dangerous Space: Dee, Diffuse Mission

  • Power Creep: Brent, The Docks 2095


Everspark is an epic fantasy adventure tabletop RPG that aims to capture the vibe of the most popular fantasy RPGs out there and leave everything else off the table. Do you want to roll some d20s and pretend you are a wizard? You are in the right place.

If you’ve ever thought to yourself that you’d like to get into an epic fantasy tabletop Role-Playing Game, but were intimidated by the sheer overhead fo rules, exceptions, modifiers, and other details that risk bogging things down…well, it sounds like this is designed for you! WIth simplified approaches toward the gameplay, designed both to roll often for that risk-reward engagement, while doing away with complications of needing to track die sizes and modifiers, this lets you get to the heart of what you want: to tell character-driven, action-packed stories without needing to crawl along and pay your dues running fetch quests and slaying miniature threats to level up before the game unlocks its fun. Definitely one you’ll want to check out if you’re at all interest in TTRPGs, whether solo or as a group!

Space War: In Space!!

Space War in Space repurposes the saying “War. War never changes” to suggest that sometimes, War does change, and it changes for the better. Why use a lifeless deck of cards and pretend to control a vast army of bloodthirsty savages when you can pick what bloodthirsty savage best represents your basest, most conquering desires? Send your army into the far arms of the galaxy to prove you’re the one to rule. Utilize your Factions strengths and carefully honed Powers to see your enemies driven before you. To hear the lamentations of their women. And children. And close relatives. Experience War the way it was meant to be experienced.

If you enjoy the concept of War, but always wished there was a little more theme and meat to the game, you’re not going to want to skip this one. Take War into Space, giving you access to thematic factions and player powers that can get activated over the course of the game. Including rules for multiplayer game sessions, where the last one standing wins, you’ll take very little time needing to get familiar with how to play, letting you dive right on into the fun of exploring how player powers can impact the game.

GRIMLORE Case File #8: Amelia Hartwell, Historian

Amelia Hartwell, a 32-year-old historian from Miskatonic University, specializes in uncovering relics tied to obscure New England cults. Her meticulous research and unshakable determination often border on obsession, a trait she inherited from her late father, a librarian whose untimely death she believes was tied to his occult studies. In the shadowed streets of Providence, Amelia is drawn into the mysteries of the Starry Wisdom Sect after uncovering a fragment of the Shining Trapezohedron in a forgotten archive. The artifact, imbued with an otherworldly resonance, begins to plague her with fragmented visions of Federal Hill and its enigmatic steepled church…

There’s some REAL nastiness in this week’s installment of GRIMLORE. Poor Amelia is going to have her work cut out for her, needing to lean on items in her inventory to overcome these threats. The Cult Elder is brutal, doing extra life or sanity damage to you based on whether your last letter used was a vowel or a consonant. As if to make that even worse, the Dre’arch is waiting to do a damage for EVERY vowel you’ve placed in the scenario. Oof. There’s a lot of them pre-filled in here, which will hopefully help a little, but that damage can add up FAST and, of course, that Cult Elder hits your life if you’re doing too many consonants…

Dangerous Space: Dee, Diffuse Mission

Dee lost part of her leg when a rescue mission went sideways. The grateful family financed her unique drone backpack which earned the cadet her apt callsign.

Dee is back in action, and ready to use her insane mobility to help diffuse the remaining bombs. While she may not have a lot of die-manipulation going for her, she does have the ability to not only skip over objects during movement, but also to regain a die after an attack, adding it back to her pool. So with those tools, and a little luck, you can surround those bombs with even numbers while not putting a 1 or 2 in its row or column. Maybe…

Power Creep: Brent, The Docks 2095

Who knows the origin of these mechanized terrors, and what secrets they are meant to hide.

After the Chef getting some absolutely brutal draws on his threats, we’re joined by Brent, a trusty greaser, and he’s got a little bit easier first task to tackle. The security bots might look intimidating at first glance, but they can actually be pacified so long as you roll a 6 on a good die when they are supposed to activate, which will make them not trigger. Well, at least the regular ones…but those Leader turrets will still fire away. So don’t completely sleep on this one! And just you wait until we talk about those Creep track triggers next week…they aren’t so friendly.


Game of the Week: Forest Floor on sale for $2!

In Forest Floor, you and your friends hike into the woods to soak up the last few weeks of summer. You spot wildlife, hunt for bugs, pick berries, and marvel at the beauty of the forest floor. Each critter and plant has a role to play in this puzzle as old decay spurs new growth. Whoever finds the most diverse and vibrant section of forest wins.

There’s a lot of interesting game packed into this one. Not only is there a really cool and innovative way of rolling dice for the round - dice leapfrog each other, so each round you only roll 1 die and add the two together - but each total provides options for effects and symbols to trigger on your board. Layers of decisions are always a great thing, and this can play up to a very, very large number of players or down as low as providing 2 different ways to play solitaire. It even comes with a special head-to-head board for those playing with two, a very important feature for those who tend to only have a single person they regularly game with.

Check out Game of the Week here:


Super Slopes: Park Rat Expansion

You call the terrain park home. Stomp that landing for big points!

A fascinating expansion that really changes up the landscape of the cards being offering, adding six new cards all with a 0-value for their numbering. This places them at the bottom of the line every time, and they provide some features that can add to - or detract from - your scoring potential. I actually just got Super Slopes to the table this week and really enjoyed the base game as a fun, puzzly game that really requires some good planning (or incredible luck) to pull off some really excellent scoring, and this expansion looks to be a perfect addition into the game experience.

Super Slopes: Snow Report Expansion

Weather in the mountains can change faster than you can bomb a blue run. Better be ready for anything!

And then there’s this expansion. Oh boy, does THIS change up how the game can flow. The good news is that you’ll only use 2 of the 6 cards every time you play, but you won’t know WHEN they will come out and they certainly change up how the game is played, from things like making you turn over a card, discard a card, or even start tracing from the 2nd card in the line to determine your paths/cards to select. Not all are bad, but they almost all will do something to make the game a little different than the play before.

Check out the new Button Shy releases here:

See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!

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