

The Great Pyramid

Edgar Alberto Cruz Castro

Regular price $8.00
The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid

In this game, we are all pyramid builders, and each player will take turns buying material blocks and placing them, earning coins. The player with the most coins at the end of the game wins. In case of a tie, the player with the most blocks in hand wins, and if they are still tied, they will share the victory.
The Great Pyramid is an abstract game, block colocation, with simple mechanics but deep decision-making. It's a filler that takes between 20 and 40 minutes. For 2 to 4 or even 5 players. A casual game that can be played with children, family, and casually at a gathering, or it can even lead to a great and deep 1vs1 game. You can socialize while playing and still need to focus on your turn to score the most points. It's not a silly game, but one where you have to make the best decisions with the blocks you acquire. Luck is part of the game and is mitigated by a market, but luck is there to create fun moments when you draw a very good block or to laugh if you draw a bad one.
Pyramid is a block placement game with an extra twist by adding a novel mechanic when building on top of other blocks.


  • Players: 2-4
  • Ages: 7+
  • Length: 20-40 Minutes


  • Publisher: Edgar Alberto Cruz Castro
  • Designer: Edgar Alberto Cruz Castro
  • Art: Tonatiuh Toledo de la Cruz


  • Page count: 10
  • Components: 70 pyramid blocks, 56 coins and 1 board
  • Additional components needed: None or cardboard for pasting the included components (optional)

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