Solo Games

Star Maps

Spiel Press

Regular price $6.00
Star Maps
Star Maps
Star Maps

Star Maps is a game about mapping the vastness of space. Use a shared dice pool to map new systems. Utilize unlocked technologies to augment your decisions and push your luck to get the highest score among your fellow astronomers.

This is a roll and write game. All you need to play is the perforated game sheets in this book, some pencils, and some dice.

1-4 players, 30 minutes, 88 game pages

My decision to open Astro Observatory was the greatest of my life. This observatory is a wonderful place where science and discovery are sought above all else. It is a place where we don’t judge one another for having our heads in the clouds all day. It’s a place where we constantly look beyond our own physical boundaries to see what else is out there and dream of helping humanity get there one day. Each and every one of you make this place a veritable wonderland of dreams.

My dream was to build such a place, but it was only an empty building before each and every one of you made it what it is today. For that, I thank you.

This place has been and always will be a blessing to those who seek answers and mysteries. This is my home and I pray you feel just as welcome here. Good luck out there and happy new year!

From the remarks of Larson Howelette,

Observatory Founder. New Years Day, 1985  

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