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Dionysia - Kickstarter Preview

Button Shy Games

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Dionysia - Kickstarter Preview
Dionysia - Kickstarter Preview
Dionysia - Kickstarter Preview
Dionysia - Kickstarter Preview

All of Athens has turned out for the Dionysia, a grand theatrical festival to honor the god Dionysus. Impress the crowds with your well-crafted drama to win the playwriting competition as well as the favor of the gods!

Draft and craft a better drama than your opponent to secure the favor of the gods at this year’s Dionysia. As you take a scene from the central stage and add it to your developing play, you’ll need to decide whether to start a new act (to a max of 3) or add it to the top/bottom of an existing act. Create specific scoring patterns of dramatic elements through careful arrangement of your scenes while taking advantage of powerful effects available through each act’s key (topmost) scene. After each play has 3 acts of 3 scenes each, players score each act based on its key scene and pattern. Whoever has the most points is favored by the gods and wins the playwriting competition!

NOTE: This also includes the Dionysia: Soliloquy expansion.


  • Players: 2
  • Ages: 8+
  • Length: 15 Minutes 


  • Publisher: Button Shy Games
  • Designers: Joebyn Sewell, Franco De Joya
  • Art: Dan Gartman


  • Page count: 7
  • Components: 18 cards
  • Additional components needed: none

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