It’s impossible to relax when you’re hungry. Grab a sugary snack while you’re waiting for your tea.
This 5-card expansion adds a variety of delicious sweets. While a quick sugar boost can help you stay on track while preparing your tea, make sure to finish your snack before you sit down!
Shuffle the new cards and place them nearby, removing one from the deck without looking at it.
Instead of swapping two tea cards on your turn, you may reveal the top sweet card and immediately resolve it. Each sweet has a specific effect that flips, rearranges, or otherwise manipulates your teas and worries.
At the end of the game, lose points for each uneaten sweet.
- Players: 1
- Ages: 8+
- Length: 20 Minutes
- Publisher: Button Shy Games
- Designer: Scott Almes
- Art: Andrea Ivetic Vicai
- Page count: 3
- Components: 5 cards
- Additional components needed: none