mole.mole is a multi-setting RPG system for improvised solo or GMless gameplay. Stories are spontaneously generated with the help of oracles—random word banks that spark your imagination.
This game was formatted to be read on your mobile, and also for print-and-play. The printed gamebook becomes a deck of 32 standard Magic/Poker cards! An easy and fun way to pass rules around and to keep just the important stuff at hand at all times.
Rules are short and based on John Harper's Blades in the Dark. All you need is 3 six-sided die and you're ready to go. Mechanics were designed to push your story forward with complications and plot twists!
Character creation takes less than 5 minutes! The goal is to create epic, collaborative narratives without prep, and just have fun!
(Thanks to Shawn Medero for the B&W mobile version)
- Players: 1-5
- Ages: 13+
- Length: 2 Hours+
- Publisher: Cezar Capacle
- Designer: Cezar Capacle
- Art: Cezar Capacle
- Page count: 6 (Print and Play), 32 (Mobile Rulebook)
- Components: 32 Cards. Rulebook.
- Additional components needed: 3 D6, pencil and paper