This is a black & white, Kickstarter preview. Visit the campaign now at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/239309591/hierarchy-an-abstract-game-of-order-and-power/
Hierarchy is an abstract game of order and power where players each take a random set of 7 cards and play them openly, until they cannot play any more. Cards must be played atop a card of a lesser value, unless either the last card or the new card change those rules. When the active player can no longer play a card, their opponent has won the game and has taken the seat of power away from their opponent.
- Players: 2
- Ages: 8+
- Length: 20 Minutes
- Publisher: Button Shy Games
- Designer: Hugo Kawamata
- Artist: Daniel Ido
- Page count: 5
- Components: 17 cards, rules
- Additional components needed: None