Black Friday to Cyber Monday

Championland: Volleyball

Button Shy Games

Regular price $3.00
Championland: Volleyball
Championland: Volleyball
Championland: Volleyball

Volleyball draws some of Championland's strongest and speediest athletes to battle each other across the net. While pure physical ability can make a difference, true masters of the court know how to place the ball perfectly to draw their opponent out of position and enable that game-winning spike.

In Championland: Volleyball, players take turns placing a single card to one of their 3 hit spots. Each card played must extend a run of consecutive cards in that spot. Players compare their hit spots against the opposing player’s to determine who is currently leading: the player with the most consecutive cards (or the highest card, if both players have only one) is leading. Some cards have special abilities that control where the opponent can play on their next turn.

If a player is leading in two spots at the start of their turn, or the opposing player can’t make a legal move on theirs, they win the round. The first player to win 3 rounds is the champion!


  • Players: 2
  • Ages: 8+
  • Length: 5-10 minutes  


  • Publisher: Button Shy Games
  • Designer: Julio E. Nazario
  • Art: Filip Popovic


  • Page count: 7
  • Components: 18 cards, rules
  • Additional components needed: None

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