Black Friday to Cyber Monday

Championland: Wrestling

Button Shy Games

Regular price $3.00
Championland: Wrestling
Championland: Wrestling
Championland: Wrestling

Every year the grand arenas of Championland overflow with hopeful athletes and excited crowds. Pin your opponent three times to become a true Champion!

Wrestling is one of the purest competitions in Championland. This head-to-head test of each athlete's physical and mental acumen draws huge crowds who analyze every move to see who'll come out on top. The best wrestlers spend their time doing the same, knowing that even the slightest advantage might keep them on their feet.

In Championland: Wrestling, players take turns placing cards and guessing at their opponent’s cards to score knockdowns. On a player’s turn, they’ll play a card from their hand face-up. The opponent plays a card face-down. Now the active player must guess whether the face-down card is higher than, lower than, or equal to the face-up card. Get it right and they’ll earn a knockdown; get it wrong and their opponent takes control, playing a new card face-down and comparing it to the previously revealed card.

Each round continues until one player wins by either getting two knockdowns in a row OR getting a guess of “equal” correct. The first player to win three rounds takes the match.


  • Players: 2
  • Ages: 8+
  • Length: 5-10 minutes  


  • Publisher: Button Shy Games
  • Designer: Julio E. Nazario
  • Art: Filip Popovic


  • Page count: 7
  • Components: 18 cards, rules
  • Additional components needed: None

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