The Dynasty is in retreat. At the edge of their old border, newly liberated sectors are finally free to determine their own fate. As provisional governments gather to issue an Aurora Decree, the blueprint for their ideal future, they may find that old grudges and rival interests are hard to overcome...
In Aurora Decree you’ll be playing as representatives of planets in the sector. Each turn either a new topic is introduced for discussion to tease out more details about the sector, or a proposal is made to angle for the changes your character wants. Proposals need to be passed by a vote to achieve your goals, but every character has their past... a revelation may expose their secrets and influence the voting! Who will be chosen to lead the sector into the future?
- Players: 2-6
- Ages: 12+
- Length: 60 Minutes
- Publisher: Button Shy Games
- Designer: Ian Howard
- Artist: Dipjyoti Lahkar
- Page count: 4
- Components: 18 cards, rules
- Additional components needed: 1 Pencil/Pen, 1 Agenda Sheet (QR code / URL link in rules)
- Misc: Full Bleed