Black Friday 2023

Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns

Ganesha Games

Regular price $18.00
Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns
Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns
Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns
Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns
Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns
Four Against Darkness: Treacheries of The Troublesome Towns

Treacheries of the Troublesome Towns is a full town adventure generator for Four Against Darkness. It is published in two books, totaling over 400 pages of information.

This is not a stand-alone product. You need a copy of Four Against Darkness

Tome 1 covers the rules to generate towns.

Tome 2 has all the tables and the Book of Secrets.

You need both Tomes to play!

Betrayal. Love. Crime. Lust.

Create cities as you explore them, one building at a time, with uniquely detailed inhabitants given purpose and goals, rife with danger and adventure. You can become a ruler, partake in conspiracies or thievery, burn heretics, haggle, buy houses, lead revolutions, hunt villain masterminds, marry into nobility, raise children.


Tome 1 covers the rules to generate towns. Tome 2 regroups all the Tables and Secrets to be discovered. You need both Tomes to play!

In tome 1 you will find:

Complete rules for generating towns and sewers, rules to generate non-player characters, persuasion, quests and more; advanced rules, optional and modular, for arsons, banks, benedictions, coups, curses, ethnicity, food, forbidden books, friendship, hometowns, house amenities, impersonators, Inquisition, insurrections, investigations, jail, jealousy, love, marriage, mercenaries, money making, monstrous retainers, murder, noble privileges, pregnancy, recruitment, seduction, ships, strumpetry, taxes, temples, thieving actions, time management, trading, turmoil, travel between towns, water travel, winter and more!

Optional rules to generate quarreling factions and their audiences, quests, twists and treacheries, including villain masterminds and their machinations; Optional rules to create weird towns: aquatic, monoethnic (dwarf, elf, orc, etc.), invaded, Nether and even using pre-drawn maps; Conversion guidelines to and from d20 and OSR games!

In Tome 2 you will find:

The Book of Secrets, unique characters and new skills; Tables for shops, shop events, twists, tavern events and rumors, monsters, pests, thieves, men-at-arms, rabble, troublemakers, Inquisition, impersonators, and a bestiary; Tables for audiences, factions, treacheries, revelations, treasure, turmoil, ethnicity, town events and plot twists.

Tables for forbidden books, gambling, strumpets, lovers, amputations, 40+ quests, narrative details, unique NPCs; Tiles to draw your towns, including ports and second stories; Minidungeons, keywords, town generation flowchart and scorecards; Sinister revelations about the world of Norindaal!

Due to mature content dealing with human passions and crime and the complexity of the rules, use of this book is recommended for adults only.


  • Players: 1
  • Ages: 12+
  • Length: 45-75 minutes  


  • Publisher: Ganesha Games
  • Designer: Erick N. Bouchard, Andrea Sfiligoi
  • Art: Jack Badashski, Andrea Sfiligoi, Heather Shinn, Joe M. Woiak


  • Page count: Tome 1: 193, Tome 2: 204
  • Components: 2 Books
  • Additional components needed: Pencil, two six sided dice, and grid paper.

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