Alone In The Dark

Four Against Darkness - Twisted Hoards

Ganesha Games

Regular price $4.00
Four Against Darkness - Twisted Hoards
Four Against Darkness - Twisted Hoards
Four Against Darkness - Twisted Hoards
Four Against Darkness - Twisted Hoards

Twisted Hoards is a supplement for Four Against Darkness, suited for all levels of play, that will change your dungeons forever.

Not Just Another Sword +1.

This book is a long, random table of mundane, magic and special items for your Four Against Darkness adventures. All the items may be used for all levels of play. From food items to kitchen silverware, from explosive pumpkins to wearable werewolf fangs, this book has a little for everyone. Find enclosed: leprechaun shoes of self propulsion, masterwork lockpicks, amulets against all types of dangers and foes, pocket-sized fireballs, elven and dwarven purses, eternal breadbaskets, quintessential honey, and a full subset of optional rules for mapping. 35 pages, PDF.

This is not a stand alone game. Requires only the Four Against Darkness core rulebook.


  • Players: 1
  • Ages: 12+
  • Length: 45-90 minutes  


  • Publisher: Ganesha Games
  • Designer: Andrea Sfiligoi


  • Page count: 35
  • Components: Book
  • Additional components needed: Pencil, six sided dice, and paper.

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