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The Abstractionist


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The Abstractionist
The Abstractionist
The Abstractionist
The Abstractionist
The Abstractionist
The Abstractionist
The Abstractionist

The Abstractionist is a game set against a backdrop of the art world in the first decades just after the turn of the 20th century. As a young aspiring artist you find your motivation in the avant garde abstract art movement and the contemporary art scene of the time. Your aim is to become a celebrated artists. You want to become the true abstractionist of this era. At the same time your limited resources and lack of supplies hinders your goal, your work and pursuit of fame and status.

The goal is to make color placements and color combinations in such a way that you end up with the highest score in the end. Every color added to the canvas is a potential scoring opportunity that will move the scoretrack pawn one or several (1-4) steps. If at any point during the game a player reaches the score of twenty (20) points or above, the Endgame Exhibition is triggered and the final scoring begins. Some color tile combinations scores extra during the scoring and you could score points for your chosen favorite color as long as no one else chosen the same.


  • Players: 1-6
  • Ages: 6+
  • Length: 10-25 minutes  


  • Publisher: Natt förlag
  • Designer: Jonas Lidström Isegrim
  • Art: Jonas Lidström Isegrim


  • Page count: 18
  • Components: Rules, Player Boards, Reference Sheets
  • Additional components: None

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