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Moving Pictures: Dinosaur Outbreak

Button Shy Games

Regular price $3.00
Moving Pictures: Dinosaur Outbreak
Moving Pictures: Dinosaur Outbreak
Moving Pictures: Dinosaur Outbreak
Moving Pictures: Dinosaur Outbreak

Spirits are high at the studio, coming off the success of your first major release. But as you run out of awards to win and crew members to toast, there's one question on everyone's mind: can you pull it off a second time?

The director says she wants the next film to be bolder, riskier, and more challenging to the audience. You're skeptical, but she assures you there's no reason to worry: if it doesn't test well, we can fix it with a secret weapon she likes to call "reshoots."

In Moving Pictures players take turns placing numbered scene cards from their hand into the shared Timeline row in hopes of getting all 6 cards in order. The catch? They can't speak or signal to each other, so they'll have to watch each other's play closely for clues. Each card also has an effect listed which can impact placement, swap cards around, or even allow players a rare opportunity to share information.

Getting it right once is a feat in itself but a full game of Moving Pictures is played over 3 Acts. The Timeline grows with each Act, making each round harder than the one before. Thankfully you also have access to 2 Deleted Scenes: if the round would end with scenes out of order, you can spend a Deleted Scene to hide one card. These Deleted Scenes don’t refresh, meaning that you only get 2 mistakes before the credits roll.

This can be played on its own or combined with other Moving Picture games. 

  • Players: 1-2 (includes solo mode rules PNP)
  • Ages: 10+
  • Length: 20 minutes  
  • Publisher: Button Shy Games
  • Designer: Chris Klimowski with solo mode by Mike Mullins
  • Artist: Giulia Campobello
  • Page count: 8
  • Components: 18 Cards, Rules
  • Additional components needed: None

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