New Games for March 29th, 2024 - Strange Nights spent Comandeering the Lighthouse Micro Revolver
It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games. Here’s what is new this week: Poker Revolver The Last Lighthouse The Last Lighthouse: Long Nights Expansion The Last Lighthouse: Strange Shores Expansion Dangerous Space: P2-777, Commandeer Mission Poker Revolver Poker Revolver is a semi-abstract game where both players take the role of a gambler-duelist in the Wild West. You are minding your own business at the poker table and someone challenges you to a dicey duel. Players roll their dice secretly and simultaneously (grabbing their bullets), and then they take...
New Games for March 22nd, 2024 - Rid the Ritual Beards and Rattle the Mussie Rescue
It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games. Here’s what is new this week: Ritual XCG - Woodcut CoreSet Beards and Booty Rid & Rattle Rid & Rattle: Free Preview Version Dangerous Space: Dee, Rescue Mission Ritual XCG - Woodcut CoreSet Once upon a time, the Fae frolicked amongst Mankind, playing cruel pranks and reveling in the blood and tears of their victims. This continued until humans learned their own tricks, ones of burning iron and snarling hounds that drove the Fae from the world. Not amused by the...
New Games for March 15th, 2024 - Impossible Golem Eliminates the Vojvodina Pie
It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games. Here’s what is new this week: Golem Needs Pie Impossible Identity Dangerous Space: Dee, Eliminate Mission Golem Needs Pie You have recently created a golem from the finest mud and stone in the land, but have accidentally inserted a scroll for a shopping list instead of your originally planned evil deeds. The golem now is only interested in procuring slices of pie and will not stop crashing through walls until they 1) get all the pie or 2) run out of...
New Games for March 8th, 2024 - That Snow Kraken, Lore Retrieved Identifies it as Space Ghost
It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games. Here’s what is new this week: Logic & Lore (Kickstarter Preview) What’s Kraken - Ghost Captains Expansion Dangerous Space: Dee Volkova, Retrieve Mission Logic & Lore (Kickstarter Preview) Constellations are out of alignment and need help returning to their proper locations. These stars are assisted by both mice and dragons; the dragons go out in search of information, while the mice catalog the clues to figure out what must be done. Logic must be wielded to sort order from chaos! A clever little...
New Games for March 1st, 2024 - Northvale Dustrunners Commandeer the SemiFinals
It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games. Here’s what is new this week: Dustrunner Dragons of Etchinstone: Northvale Expansion Dangerous Space: Dee Volkova, Commandeer Mission Dungeon Pages: Seth (Roving Tactician) in Twin Mount Dustrunner You have stolen plans from a barbaric raider base and now must traverse the landscape to bring them back to your camp. Victory is had only if you can make it home before either being caught by the pursuing raiders or killed on the road. An exciting game experience that you’d expect from the...