
New games for July 12 2019 - Pet Wocky Island

Jason Tagmire


Here's what's new this week:

  • Jabberwocky
  • Night Class: Teacher's Pet
  • Palm Island

We  have Palm Island, the solo and 2 player game that you can play in-hand, without a table. There's also Jabberwocky, a system of games from Jelly Bean Games. The next edition of Jason Greeno's Night Class Roll and Write is here, and this time you are up against an engineer and his army of robots.

This weeks new games are all available here:

The game of the week is Wordsy!

Wordsy is a tabletop word game for 1-6 players. It takes only 20 minutes to play, but when you finish, you'll want to play it again. That's because Wordsy is unlike most other word games.

In Wordsy, you get 8 letters dealt out on the table. All players simultaneously try to come up with the best word on the board.

Here's the thing: you don't need all the letters in your word to be on the board. You can add as many letters as you want! So you're never just one letter away, like in most word games. 

This means Wordsy rewards longer words. Those 2- and 3-letter words you have to memorize for other word games won't help you here!

Check out Wordsy here: 

Thanks everyone! See you next week!

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1 comment

  • Have been playing Palm Island after crafting it yesterday, it’s wonderful! Note — I didn’t see it in the Solo category of the catalog, should that be corrected?

    I have a lot of regard for Wordsy, too. The way it rewards longer words makes it a hit for my writerly friends, and the solo mode is surprisingly good (and one of the few games I will play either multiplayer or solo with a timer).

    Ava Jarvis

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