
New Games for January 7, 2022 - The Perfect Starlight Food Cart Flipper

Jason Tagmire

It's New Game Friday! David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:

        • A la Food Cart
        • Mini House Flipper
        • Starlight Riders


        Mini House Flipper


        Run a successful house renovation business. Choose projects to take on, buy and sell materials at the right time, and employ specialists to help you complete projects on a budget. Can you keep your customers satisfied while maintaining a profit?


        Flip cards, allocate resources and workers, and complete projects to improve your profit in the house. If you ever wanted to be in the home improvement business but couldn’t be trusted to swing a hammer, this game can help fulfill your secret desires. A fun little solo game, this one has only two rounds of play so you’ll be able to pull it out in small windows of time or play it again and again as you build a little career out of flipping houses. You also need to keep in mind things like customer satisfaction as you complete the home projects - after all, you want to make sure they will desire to live there when you’re done! With some objectives to shoot for, this game offers lots of variety and replay in a small package.


        A La Food Cart


        Grab your aprons and sharpen your knives because the Food Cart Festival is in full swing! Sourcing the freshest ingredients and using innovative cooking techniques is how you stand out from the pack. Show everyone that you’ve got the chops to be the best roving restaurant on the block. You know what they say: if you can’t stand the heat…


        A worker placement game using cards with a food-related theme? Where does the buffet line begin? Each round you’re gathering ingredients with your workers to slide your bonus card up or to the side in order to creep it across and cover your scoring card in its entirety. Sounds simple enough, right? But there’s plenty of meat in this game, packed full of meaningful decisions as you balance things to serve up defeat to your opponent. While revenge is a dish best served cold, this game brings the heat onto your game table.


        Starlight Riders


        When they left Earth long ago, they said that we wouldn’t make it. That we weren’t worth it. But guess what? We made it. And from the fringes of the galaxy, we make it a point to let them know that. Disturbing their little plastic paradise. If we can’t bring them down, we sure as hell can make them mad. And, you know, get some form of compensation. We are not stealing. We’re taking it back.


        If you’ve always wanted to play an RPG but were opposed to the prep work it takes to run, then you’ll be delighted with Starlight Riders. Not only does it take no prep to run, it won’t religate someone to the task of being the GM for the session, either. One of the most fascinating aspects of this game is that your die rolls don’t dictate IF you can do something, but rather your degree of success at the task. After all, you’re experts. And, based on your hand, you can control any character at any given time so you’re truly working together as a team to overcome the tasks ahead of you.


        Pick up all the new games here:



        Game of the Week: The Perfect Moment for just $1


        If only...

        Everyone has something about their past they desperately wish they could change: a terrible loss, that missed opportunity, the greatest of mistakes. If only you had known that that one tiny detail would make all the difference. If only you could do it again, everything would be different now. But if you WERE given the chance to rewrite history, would be brave enough to take it? Could you face the unknown and its unforeseen consequences? Could you fight fate to create the perfect moment?

        A constantly-changing landscape of goals to accomplish. A strict limit of cards available to you each turn. Half of your card being playable by your opponent instead of you. There’s some seriously wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff going on here, but there’s no blue police box to appear and save the day in this one. Maneuver the cards into position in order to score one of the objectives before your opponent does, and make careful use of some really powerful card abilities to manipulate things to your own advantage. This game is brilliantly clever, and is bound to give you some mental exercise during the gameplay.


        Check out Game of the Week here:

        See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!



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